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Statement – Disaster assistance following WA flooding
Disaster assistance has been made available to help communities in the Mid-West, Gascoyne and Wheatbelt regions recover from damage caused by severe flooding in early March.
Assistance is being provided through the jointly funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).
Minister for Emergency Management David Littleproud said the financial assistance would help the local governments of Dandaragan, Greater Geraldton, Menzies, Mt Marshall, Northam and Victoria Plains with clean-up operations from fallen trees on roads and restore damaged road infrastructure.
“The severe weather system in early March caused significant damage and distress for these communities,” Minister Littleproud said.
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Statement – Disaster assistance extended to more communities impacted by severe tropical cyclone Seroja
Disaster assistance has been extended to the local government areas of Carnamah, Coorow, Dandaragan, Mingenew, Mount Marshall, Perenjori and Three Springs following widespread damage caused by Tropical Cyclone Seroja.
Assistance is now being provided to 13 local government areas through the jointly funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) – Carnamah, Chapman Valley, Coorow, Dalwallinu, Dandaragan, Greater Geraldton, Mingenew, Morawa, Mount Marshall, Northampton, Perenjori, Shark Bay and Three Springs.
Minister for Emergency Management David Littleproud said Tropical Cyclone Seroja had left a devastating trail of destruction and assistance is being extended as the scale of the damage continues to become clearer.
Australian Government support payments extended for Western Australia Tropical Cyclone Seroja
Quickest and easiest way to claim is to call 180 22 66
Phone line is open now, eligible recipients can claim today
The Australian Government has extended the Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment (AGDRP) and Disaster Recovery Allowance (DRA) to support those heavily affected by Tropical Cyclone Seroja in Western Australia with over $300,000 paid to cyclone affected residents to date.
People in the Carnamah, Chapman Valley, Greater Geraldton, Mingenew, Morawa, Perenjori and Three Springs local government areas can now access the support package.
Minister for Emergency Management David Littleproud said the package provided assistance to those who had suffered significant losses due to Tropical Cyclone Seroja.
The federal government announces disaster recovery payments for victims of Cyclone Seroja are being extended to other parts of WA's Mid West, where hundreds of homes were caught in the storm's path of destruction.
The Hon David Littleproud MP
Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management
• Australian Government support continues for agricultural shows and field days forced to cancel because of COVID-19
• 110 events will share in $710,817.54 Supporting Agricultural Shows and Field Days program supplementary payments
• The program provides funding to help meet the costs of fixed overheads
More Australian Government support for COVID-hit agricultural shows and field days is on its way for 110 events around the country to help them recover.
Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management David Littleproud said $710,818 in supplementary expense claims has been approved under the Supporting Agricultural Shows and Field Days program.