In Thursday s meeting, the Student Assembly voted to pass two resolutions: one approving the implementation of Plan B vending machines on campus, another to denounce atrocities against Uyghur Muslims in Xianjiang, China.
details the efforts by teens across the country to take control of the message about abortion rights and sex education as well including a tennessee group, teens for reproductive rights. this is how a recent meeting they held in a park was described. behind them on a folding table, bouquets a pamphlets offered information teachers at school would never share about the different beside the pamphlets, pregnancy sets and six packs of my way emergency contraceptive. for young men from teens from this group join me now. all 17 years old. i know you volunteered as the spokes person, so thank you for that. of course, if any of you ladies
Here’s how to find which emergency contraception method may work best for you, with information from an Southern Illinois University doctor and a health policy professional.
we ll talk about it all with our chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta. great to have you. thank you for being here. explain the difference, plan b is different, very different than a medication abortion. explain how the latter works and how common it is. yeah. people often co-mingle these things, but they are different, as you mentioned. plan b is an emergency contraceptive, designed to prevent a pregnancy from happening. someone has to take it within a couple of days of unprotected sex. that s different than medication abortion, which is something that is taken after a pregnancy has already been established. and this is, you know, both of these are medications that sort of came around 20, 25 years ago, late 90s, early 2000, and you can see with medication abortion, back in 2000, it was just coming into the market, there wasn t much use of it, but if you sort of track it over time now, using these types of medications, there is two pills,