On Saturday, Feb. 11, Cornell students rallied in Washington, D.C. with politicians, community leaders and students from other universities to reiterate the demands of the Uyghur Policy Act and Uyghur Human Rights Protection Act in response to the genocide in China.
Their stand reflects an important statement of solidarity amongst those who value human rights. The rally had support from The Hong Kong Student Association, Cornell Chinese in Ithaca, Free Tibet, Free Uyghur Now, Athenai Institute, Uyghur Human Rights Association, the Uyghur American Association and others.
I spoke with Suha Khan ’24, a Cornell Interfaith Council leader who drummed up support for the rally. Zoë MeiLing Johnson-Berman ’24, who fostered solidarity amongst organizations through social media networking, also joined us for the conversation. This interview is lightly edited for clarity.
In Thursday s meeting, the Student Assembly voted to pass two resolutions: one approving the implementation of Plan B vending machines on campus, another to denounce atrocities against Uyghur Muslims in Xianjiang, China.
The council includes 20 new and six returning members from across the state. Student Advisory Council members serve as student advisers to the State Board and provide a unique perspective to help ISBE develop and implement important policy decisions.