You know, our bedroom is still empty upstairs. Were still not going to have the grandchild, the wedding though, things. Rep morgans remains were found but no one charged. I know where morgan is. However this unfolds, i know where my girl is. Shes in a box in the living room. Hannah grahams family do not know where their daughter is. Reporter hannah vanished over two weeks ago. Police say she was last seen with 32yearold Jesse Matthew following a multiday manhunt, Police Tracked matthew down last week on a beach in galveston, texas. They flew him back and hes now in jail. After processing evidence seized from matthews car and home, police say the forensics matched with that of harringtons case, which in turn is connected to a 2005 Sexual Assault in fairfax. News of the link spread quickly. Is there relief, do you think . Yes. Yes. You kind of feel like well maybe another girl might not go missing if they do have the right person. From what ive heard from a lot of people, i think theyre
Steinmeyer has had some interesting ideas. He has talked about the fact that, you know, while the Atlantic Alliance may resonate for people of our generation, we have to think about how german youth snowden is much more popular among german youth i would submit than president obama today. I mean obama was a rock star in 2008. If there is a rock star in germany today, it is edward snowden. And that is a serious state of affairs, ladies and gentlemen. And it needs addressing. Stein meyer has proposed a kind after cybersecurity summit or conference or dialogue and i think more than ttip or these far off ideas we need something in the nearer term that really addresses these issues. Because young people in europe need reminding of what, of what the transatlantic the most successful at liance in human history. What it has achieved, what it means and why its important in light of what president putin has done today. Has done of late. There needs to be finally, i think, some real focus on just
Nothing translates to an economy with more aggressiveness we are not just talking about oil and gas. We are talking about everything in the economy being impacted in a positive way by a lower cost of energy. We discovered massive capabilities in energy and this will translate into a huge Economic Opportunity for us as a country. The second thing we have going for us is that we are still the place where great ideas come from. Whether it is twitter or facebook or tesla or, in my part of the country, biomedicine, we are the creative people and we are creating these ideas. The third thing we have going for us is that there is a massive amount of capital waiting on the sidelines to invest in these ideas. So you have a lot of people who are willing to fall and take risks with their money through Pension Funds and whatever else on people who have these ideas. And the force they the fourth thing we have going for us is that we are inherently entrepreneurial people. We are still the best place
I ask that the call of the quorum the presiding officer without objection, the quorum call is suspended. Mr. Coats mr. President , thank you. Mr. President , when the senate last met i introduced together with senator durbin a resolution regarding our response to russias invasion of ukraine. That resolution which received unanimous support here in the senate called for a number of specific steps to punish and isolate russia for its actions. Among these steps we called upon president obama to impose sanctions on officials of the Russian Federation who are most responsible for the invasion of the cry me an krimean region. And im pleased by recent announcements by the white house demonstrate that the president has begun the process of sanctioning some of these individuals though i had hoped the numbers sanked would be far greater. And i also sanctioned would be far greater. And i also want to note that the president today is in the netherlands discussing with our european allies and partn
Even better, the man has by doing so gained what we call street credit. Why is street cred important . Once you establish a reputation for the willingness and ability to use force and to be ruthless about it, you dont have to use force and conquer next time. You just establish a reputation as a nasty bastard and so people will, you dont have to wield power in order to have it. So he may stop here because he has now so much intimidated the ukraine that the ukraine will do his bidding. However, if he goes, if he goes farther, i dont think were going to do much about it either, because again, it is our periphery but his century. He is close. He is got the determination. He has got the street cred. How in the end will the game unfold . One, i dont think well use military force. Im pretty sure, to dislodge, to dislodge putin. To dislodge somebody is a hello of hell of a lot more dangerous than to slip in when nobody is looking. Too much risk. So both the u. S. And germany will use civilian