Final lecture he gave before he passed away. The one place that intrigued me was my first trip to london and the health of parliament and big ben. Now these pictures, you must remember, are more than a quarter of a century old. The thing that entertained our boys stationed in england was westminster abbey. Quite a few americans stationed there came to see westminster abbey. These are the photographs i took on a sunday afternoon. Another thing that intrigued me was marble arch. Marble arch, on one sunday afternoon, it was filled with people. You must remember that london was being bombed almost every night during this particular time. I was photographing these speakers that were addressing the crowds. Every speaker was speaking on a different subject, but the police stood around and watched and as long as there were no strong arguments, nobody was hurt. The people in the argument in the audience were arguing back with the speakers, but these were typical shots of how we pass the time wa
Beautiful]e dark skies and ruined water, burning rivers, oil spills, spring. Eaches, silent 20 years ago, the wealthiest nation in the world that they had ever known, and people who enjoyed the level of private consumption undreamed of in the past found itself awash in environmental squalor. Comfortable, our children could not play outside because of the smog. Our clothing was clean, but our bays were choked with sewage and our lakes were slowly dying. Swept thehorror nation as we began to realize what we had done to the Natural Systems that supported all life. The environmental and was born movement was born. Governments at all levels responded with programs aimed at controlling pollution. By 1970, it had come obvious that further progress would require a Strong National effort. On december 2, 1970, president Richard Nixon consolidated 15 Environmental Programs from across the federal government to form the United States Environmental Protection agency. Inherit did the new epa respons
Keep eye contact with me when we go from here. You want to hear about the drop in normandy . We deported from an airfield in britain. We had been briefed and we knew exactly what conditions were in normandy and where the drop zones were located. Sometime during the fight we received aircraft fire from the right side of the planes. We were not aware that some of the midChannel Islands were occupied by the germans. That confused us because we thought we were approaching normandy. And parallel to the cause we turned north parallel to the coast of normandy. The jump master was watching the door. As soon as they could see landfall he ordered the troops to stand up and hook up. The plate was hit plane was hit by aircraft fire. The right side was knocked out. Just a few of the troopers had hooked their signs up. They dumped everybody in. Of course there was a mad scramble to get to the door. The plane was listing to the right and nobody could climb the incline to get to the door. I was able t