Tonights talk is on a book that explores the life and legacy of Daniel Morgan. Morgan began life as a homeless, illiterate teenage laborer, through ambition and determination and a great deal of luck, he became a land owner, a congressman, and one of the American Revolutions greatest battlefield commanders. Daniel morgan, a revolutionary life, available in the back corner after the speech, is a deeply american story and the become is recently been published by doctoral better louis zambone. He earned his doctorate in American History from the university of oxford and an m. A. In medieval studies from Catholic University of america. He has received a number of scholarships and awards in the field of early American History, including a rockefeller fellowship from Colonial Williamsburg foundation. He is the post of the popular audience format podcast historically thinking. Please join me in welcoming dr. Al zambone. Al. [ applause ] well my thanks to ross perry and to Kelsey Atwood who ma
Liberty, prisoners of war and the politics of vengeance in the American Revolution which has just come out from the university of pennsylvania press. We have known professor jones, cole, since 2010 when he received a society of the cincinnati scholars grant to conduct research in our library in support of his doctoral dissertation on enemy prisoners of war in revolutionary america. We have since followed his career and accomplishments with great interest and admiration. He received his ph. D. From Johns Hopkins in 2014, went on to hold post doctoral fellowships at the American Society and the New York Historical society and since 2015 he has been assistant professor of history at purdue university. Captives of liberty is an important and thought provoking book that examines how the founding generation of americans grappled with the problems of prisoner treatment during the eightyear conflict. American forces captured more than 17,000 british and allied germanic soldiers as well as thou
And neighbor, is associate professor of french and history at George Mason University. Her talk this evening, the American Revolution and the French Military enlightenment is being held in conjunction with our current exhibition, revolutionary reflections, french memories of the war for america. Which is on view in our gallery immediately behind this great fireplace. And will be open after the talk this evening. Dr. Pichichero will be discussing war and the enlightenment in the context of french experiences during the American Revolution. Many french officers of this era, such as row shambeu considers themselves philosophers who brought enlightenment and spirit to their enterprises. Their experiences in america had a profound impact on the politics and world views when they returned to france after the war. These themes are at the center of dr. Pichicheros book, the military enlightenment, war and culture in the french empire from louis xiv to napoleon, published by Cornell University
1900s through today. Prof. Guerra all right. Welcome to class, everyone. Today, we would like to welcome our cspan viewers joining our class today. We are going to be covering a lot today. This class for those of you that are watching at home is a course focused on business in society here at colorado college. In this class in particular, we are looking at the making of the u. S. Drug war and particularly how it relates to the prohibition and now the legalization of cannabis and how that impacts consumer access to this particular substance. I have been doing research on ethnographical he and historically ethnographically and historically on the drug war and cannabis legalization for the last two decades. So you get to join us now on our tour of the last 100 years of drug policy. As you remember yesterday, we were talking a little bit about the impact of culture and science on our approaches to medicine in conceptualizing what is an acceptable substance for medical consumption and what
Speaker, dr. Christy pichichero. Dr. Pichichero, our good friend and neighbor, is an associate professor at george mason university. Her talk this evening is being held in conjunction with our current exhibition, revolutionary reflections french memories of the war for america, which is on view in our gallery immediately behind this fireplace and will be open after the talk this evening. Dr. Pichichero will be discussing war and the enlightenment in the context of french experiences during the American Revolution. Many french officers of this era, such as rochambeau, whose writings are featured in our show, consider themselves military philosophers who brought enlightenment and philosophical spirit to their military enterprises. Their experience is in america had a profound impact on their politics and worldviews when they returned to france after the war. These themes are at the center book, theheros military enlightenment war and culture in the french empire from louis xiv to napoleo