For silence your cell phones. Of course it would use them for social media you are welcome to keep them on. Also during our q a we have microphone, just one this time, so if you could step up to that mike mika would be great because as you can see we have cspan film we also making an audio recording of this event. And feel free to leave your chairs with our. We have more events coming up this afternoon so youre welcome to stick around all day. Im pleased to welcome Johanna Neuman this afternoon to discuss her important new book gilded suffragists about a group of new york socialites who fought for the womens right to vote in the early part of the last century. Among the more than 200 social figures involved in the movement she writes about a host of familiar names including astor, belmont, harriman and vanderbilt, richard might just what a radical explosive notion the womens vote was in the early 1900s and how in her own words theres a moment when generations cross paths and an idea th
He killed 17, hospitalized 14 other. Police ultimately arrested him, but not without heart break for plenty of families. One mother and brother spoke out about how relieved they were that their loved one came back to them. Im so relieved that hes with me right now. Been trying to keep in contact with him afternoon. It is really great to be able to hug him tighter. As soon as my mother told me, i got very, very worried about him. Because he is my brother. And it is Valentine Day, so shouldnt even be happening. And im sure everybody can relate. And they were the fortunate ones, you have to think about the 17 other, and their family members and their friends and even the 15 other who were injured right now trying to recover from this. You know the community will never be the same. Instantly i went back to 199. That was the first School Shooting i covered was columbine, just being there that day, being there in the following weeks month, how much those people not only the lives lost and th
Assembled bombs and munitions. Sewed parachutes and uniforms and trended wounded troops. One time i worked seven weeks, seven days without a day off. It makes you proud. They were the wives or the sisters of men who were serving. And one of the women i spoke to, she was a riveter. And she said when she was riveting that plane, she was thinking of her brother, and she was thinking, if i dont get this rivet right, just right, he could die. More than just a job. Right. It was an inadvertent resolution. What is it that causes women to suddenly be brought into the armed forces like they were . We couldnt get enough people to go into the armed services. We needed more people. General wilma vaught, the 28 year veteran of the u. S. Air force and one of the most highly decorated military women in United States history. When she retired in 1985, vaught was only one of seven female generals in our armed forces. There is no question in my mind that i owe my career to the women in world war ii. Who
Them for social media youre welcome to keep them on. Also during our q and a we have microphone just one, this time so if you could step up to that mic that would be great as you can see we have cspan here filming also making an audio recording of the event. And feel free to leave your chairs where they are. We have more events coming up this afternoon so youre welcome to stick around all day. And please to welcome joe this afternoon to discuss her important new book guilded sufficientist about those ho fight for the women right to vote in the early part of the last strig. Among the more than 200 social tirings involved in the movement she writes ab host of familiar names including after beaumont and vaunter build remieppedz us what a radical explosive notion the wells vote was in the early 1900s and how in her own word theres a moment where generations cross paths and an idea that once seems radical loses its toxins. Publishers e weekly is called this book one of the top books for fal
Where they are. We have more events this afternoon, so youre welcome to stick around all day. Im pleased to welcome johan in neuman this afternoon to discuss her important new book gilded sufferragists about a group of new york socialites who fought for the becames right to vote. Among the more than 200 social figures she writes bass host or familiar names, and she reminds us what a radical, explosive notion the womens vote was in the early 1900s 1900s and and hn her own words, theres a moment when generations cross paths and aned ay that once seem radical loses its toxins. This is call one of the top books of the fall from independent publishing houses. Neuman is a scholar in residence at American University and an awardwinning journalist who has wherein for Los Angeles Times and usa today. Going to be in conversation with jude woodruff who she node from covering the white house. Judy is worked as correspondent for nbc, cnn, npr and many a places. He me welcome johan Joanna Neuman and