Very loosey goosey. And then when weve all had our word, well have an interchange amongst ourselves and with you all. So just have a conversation as we go on a couple of housekeeping things to begin with this weekend for those of you that dont know is the society of president ial descendants first biannual, gathering as call it. This is a new society, president ial descendants. There was no thing before till i created it. It and we have a partnership with Long Island University who takes care of much of us. We really appreciate the tremendous amount of work theyve done. And some sign of it is this roosevelt right here, which if you havent had a c bit to see you havent see it yet do walk around it. Youll each go who are staying for dinner . Well go to a different dining room and the way thatll work is, well have a Cocktail Reception in front of the house and then everybody will go to their dining area and. Then as dinner finishes it will all come back in here where. Doris Kearns Goodwin
So lets started do you mind if i sit no. Okay now there is im just afraid ill fall off the front of this. Welcome to the panel of president ial descent thats here. And were delighted to have the panelists. Ill introduce them a minute. And i think the way well handle this is well take a few minutes and you what he or she wants to tell about anything, thats their. And then so its going to be very loosey goosey. And then when weve all had our word, well have an interchange amongst ourselves and with you all. So just have a conversation as we go on a couple of housekeeping things to begin with this weekend for those of you that dont know is the society of president ial descendants first biannual, gathering as call it. This is a new society, president ial descendants. There was no thing before till i created it. It and we have a partnership with Long Island University who takes care of much of us. We really appreciate the tremendous amount of work theyve done. And some sign of it is this ro
Pokers into him all the time killed him so blissed doesnt mean to me to be happy anymore. But its in the book in the book is really more of a medical recounting of his life. So theres much similarity, the chaos of the time that were in now, the extreme factions in, parties give us a sense that the country is divided in many ways and garfield worked hard on uniting different parties. He was piecemeal worker. Ive become a peacemaker in our town. I certainly am a peacemaker in our family and my dad certainly was that in the life that he led the Roosevelt School recently founded here brings focus to civics. And ive learned much because im one of the very new members in in the society of what this school intends to do. And i just think its one of the best things ive heard about in a long time. Civics was taught when i was young. I its evaporated and our sense of responsibilities for our freedoms are missing in many cases. So i think what just like to say that garfields presidency for me was
And then so its going to be very loosey goosey. And then when weve all had our word, well have an interchange amongst ourselves and with you all. So just have a conversation as we go on a couple of housekeeping things to begin with this weekend for those of you that dont know is the society of president ial descendants first biannual, gathering as call it. This is a new society, president ial descendants. There was no thing before till i created it. It and we have a partnership with Long Island University who takes care of much of us. We really appreciate the tremendous amount of work theyve done. And some sign of it is this roosevelt right here, which if you havent had a c bit to see you havent see it yet do walk around it. Youll each go who are staying for dinner . Well go to a different dining room and the way thatll work is, well have a Cocktail Reception in front of the house and then everybody will go to their dining area and. Then as dinner finishes it will all come back in here