eliot nest. there s no one to this administration that s untouchable. when benedict arnold gave the plans to west point and they captured major andre, they didn t have any real plaevidenc linking those plans to benedict arnold. every one knew it was treason when they caught the man and they hung him. at some point there s going to be a bridge of data that will be unassailable. if donald trump through a series of coindens knew nothing about the myriad of basic activities around him that started back in 2012 and end up with multiple indictments around him then i ve got a bridge to sell you in brooklyn. ken, are we as tough as george washington. when he was head of the arm he hanged that guy. no.
because that word while over used for years of a lot of things that did not match the standard. i guess now fits and from your legal training, what should we think of person of interest and white house officials in this case. we don t use the term target or subject of interests. it does indicate that the investigation is very serious and it has reached someone inside the white house and that person presumably have a lie level security clearance and that person is a national security risk because of espionage concerns. that person should be stripped specifically. we were sitting before air, you heard reputation of the phrase, nut job. we are talking again, love him or hate him about a guy with the baring of eliot nest of tv of