Europe is a big week personal income and spending is roughly in line. Our road map begins with apple, nearing an all time high, expanding ipad and air pod demand, Services Growth offsetting that demand social media twitter banning political ads, facebook defending its decision not to, saying, quote, its not all about money, facebook shares by the way rallying on those earnings head winds, markets are set for a mixed open, a report about chinas longterm doubts about a trade deal with this white house. Well begin with apple, though, higher than better expected revenue, despite iphone sales, results got a boost from stronger demand for ipads and air pods as well as growth in services they are issuing upbeat quarter guidance jim and josh lipton talked to tim cook about better sentiment in china as well. I was surprised with that, when talking with tim and with josh and on the street the whole tone of the discussion was that things are pretty much on track, more than we realize optimism by
Hell to pay. We are very appreciative of that. For agoing to talk to you little bit. [applause] d. M. Giangreco great to be here. Start off to test with some interesting quotes i have heard recently. Navy mind of the waters off of northern japan to keep the russians from invading first. Quote, still and prepared to seize the northern end of hia nshu, from their his Armored Divisions would sweep down towards tokyo leaving postwar japan a divided nation like germany. Was nothing to stop the soviets from invading before the americans and seizing all of northern japan. Well ok. Much like fantasy football alternate history can be an enjoyable diversion from trotting and read trotting the same old ground. What is interesting about these overheard quotes is that they were all uttered as statements of fact by educators and serious historians, and while they and similar ideas have bubbled up for decades, virtually all of these comments were made within the last year during the runup to the 70th
SHAH ALAM: A former printing company owner was jailed three years and fine a total of RM1.14mil by the Sessions Court here on Monday (Feb 28) after being found guilty on charges of money laundering and concealing RM1,798,732.59 belonging to a woman.