Mother, Alexandra Nikiforova will talk about the behind the scenes of beauty pageants to appear beautifully in a dress, to parade, to feel what the assessment on myself, but first of all the audience assessment this is such an incredible experience, some moment of such stardom, when a woman, every time she goes on stage, she feels like not just the queen of some state, but a queen for her family. And what is true love and womens happiness . Ill tell you this secret with the birth of each child , love becomes even greater, it seems that you give a little bit to everyone, in you, in fact, it flourishes even more, a woman is happy exactly then, despite the fact that she is always looking for happiness from the outside, our todays woman , happiness is actually inside her, watch today only on our tv channel. We are in the midst of a new day, and we are listening to this music, music, such a thick interior of our skin. Yana pausyul, y sontsy, y on the faint hands, on the tips of our fingers,
Will not ask for this, otherwise she would not be my wife. To your right is the red sector. Question from there. What is your most cherished dream . In fact, i may sometimes dream, but i never write my dreams down on paper, i dont let them go anywhere. I have dreams turn into goals that i write down and that i realize. Somehow like this. Time for questions heroes and glass, Andrei Dmitrievich, you must choose the best question now. So, what question stuck with you the most today . There were a lot of questions, so i already noted the question that the young man alexey formulated for me, i then said that this question is quite very, very deep, yes, you remind me, please. What does bsu have that no other university, no other university has . Perhaps, probably, i would highlight this question, great, according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question is you, alexey, receives a special gift from our guest, go out onto the site, this is with the bsu logo, a thermal mug,