The IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking invites the submission of technical manuscripts on topics within the scope of the IEEE Communications Society, which includes all areas indicated on the inside front cover of the Journal and those shown under the Technical Committees listing.
The IEEE Transactions on Communications invites the submission of technical manuscripts on topics within the scope of the IEEE Communications Society, which includes all areas indicated on the inside front cover of the Journal and those shown under the Technical Committees listing.
It may feel like only yesterday when it was 2020, but 2021 is now coming to an end. This means a new wave of employment laws for employers in California in 2022. We list the upcoming legislative efforts that are important for California employers to know about.
KVRR Local News
April 28, 2021
BISMARCK, N.D. North Dakota becomes the first state in the nation to allow electronic posting of private land.
Gov. Doug Burgum signing the legislation saying it’s a “shining example of what we can accomplish when we work together and harness the power of technology to find new, innovative solutions to complex problems”.
Under current North Dakota law, private land is considered open to hunting unless the landowner posts signs saying otherwise.
The new law gives landowners the option of posting their land electronically to an online database managed by the Game and Fish Department.