A damning review into the Liberals’ disastrous election defeat has suggested the party has failed to represent Australian local communities while one senior frontbencher argues the Coalition can change its culture ahead of the next federal poll.
Election judges found single mismarked ballots in the hand count of four randomly selected precincts as part of the effort to confirm the accuracy of voting machines.
audits. if you saw if arizona, the election review bipartisan tack force failed to turn up sifkt fraud. it moves a piece of the base little. the reality is, look, i live in miami, in 1977, we had an effective mayoral race here. should we use a few more cops on the block, to not stop what s happening anyway? it happens in small respects and small portions, sure, that s the calculus that desantis made. does it establish the ability to be poll workers? some say that istant amendment or can be used to intimidate voeters? you can have poll workers. it s how it s defined. the reality is there are these poll watchers who intimidate