the best governor in history, and her name happens to be, oh, it escapes me, sarah sanders, you might know her. i think every american deserves election integrity. when you have laws that say, partisan observers get watch the vote count from start to finish, you need to have that. voter i.d., you need a vaccine card to get into a restaurant now. a voter i.d. to get into the white house and dnc. every state has to have election integrity measures so we can have confidence in the results. those that don t want it, i think, are up to no good. kellyanne, thank you, and governor huckabee, thank you, when we return, a very strange, very bizarre turn. alec baldwin breaking his silence following the fatal shooting on the film set of the movie. he says never pulled the trigger. okay. up to now, that s all we heard. if he didn t pull it, who did? straight ahead. pull it, who di?
obama, oprah winfrey, the whole group. he was supporting stacey abrams. i think president trump would get involved again if he would support a candidate there, but stacey abrams was asked by senator tangent cruise this past april, so i guess, or no? was the election in 2018 stolen from you? and she said it was stolen from the voters of georgia. she is still on social media, still could run for office. she still on tv. let me ask governor huckabee. i ve been pushing for election integrity measures so that we can have confidence in the results, simple things. voter i.d., signature verification, chain of custody controls. i think we need updated voter rolls and i think the laws that allow partisan observers to observe the votes start to
he s condemned the violence on january 6th. but he has not necessarily adopted the full preferred line from the democratic party, which is to attack the whole idea about there was no election fraud. he has supported increased election integrity measures, which is the republican approach to dealing with questions of potential fraud. so i think what he has done is straddled and avoided being tarred with that rather than coming down clearly on one side or the other that each side s political bases would prefer. how effective do you think that straddling is for him? well, he s tied in the polls and he s got the momentum. i d say that s been extremely effective. do you think that s one of the main factors going into those numbers we re seeing? yeah. what we re seeing right now is that repeated attempts by terry mcauliffe to tie youngkin to trump and to make that an issue is falling flat among
welfare state, playing with the constitution, and you re right. when you pour of all this extra money back into the economy, best way i can describe inflation is you pour in a lot more money chasing the same amount of product. if a lot more money chasing the same amount of money, the prices go up. of gas, groceries go up, your restaurant bill goes up. they re going to pay the price. there will be a price to pay, number one. but 2022 is coming. sean: it s prime for republicans to take the house. look, we need election integrity measures, it simple as i said. it border i.d., signature verification, updated voter rolls, chain of custody control, partisan observers as the law provides for, watch the count start to finish. i would start there. every state legislature needs to put that in place. that s key. but now we ve got good
welfare state, playing with the constitution, and you re right. when you pour of all thisns exta money back into the economy best way i can describe inflation is you pour in a lot more money chasing the same amount of product. a lot more money chasing the same amount of money, the prices go up. gas, groceries go t up, your restaurant bill goes up. they re going to pay the price. there will be a price to pay number one. but 2022 is coming. sean: it s prime for republicans to take the house. look, we need election integrity measures, it simple as i said. it border i.d., signature verification, updated voterd. rolls, chain of custody control partisan observers as the law provides for, watch the count start to finish. i would start there. every state legislature needs to put that in place. that s key. but now we ve got good candidates. not only do we have a shot at