forced to spew her hateful anti semitic rhetoric someplace else. we have full details coming up straight ahead. but first, we have more big news from zero experience. hunter biden, after years of having his precious good nameno we have some news ofgood nameno and reputation sullied by his father s political enemies for absolutelyr , positively no reason at all whatsoever. hunter is now fighting around hr back with a team around him, or at ls how the mediaound him, or mob is trying to spin it. it looks like it might be true.i and letters popping up here and there and everywhere to the doj, the irs anyway,g it hunters laj, the irs anyway,g it hunters ma disinformation of material on hunter by his laptop from .h this is where it gets interesting at the veryg to same time, hunter s camp is actively refusing to admitctl that the information on the laptop actually belongs to huntebelongr, even though onf the lawyers, well, seemed to clearly indicate that it wasd his laptop and that
kinds of political stunt and it is a disservice to the americans people what a hideouers miscarriage of justice, a majority power exercisingnc influence over house committee assignments. wow. e asand right on cue, squad mems tried to shout outrage at one another with their faux outrage, cries louder. wow. a striking vocal similarity. the white supremacy happeningbli is unbelievable. thisng is just a bunch of racisth gaslighting. we all know it.t gas they turn congress into a placec of fear mongering, hate general . time is required that our country is failing you today. to this chamber is no longer. my voice will get louder and stronger and my leadership will be celebrated around the world as it haer ands been o utterly dissinger us and yet so predictable. the party that presided over the weaponization of government agencies from the fbi to the a suddenly crying foul. and why?why? because their committee position was actually put to ade vote . how darey they be heldn accounta
now, talk about a double standard when republicans lose committee assignments, it s tough luck when democrats lose them and are put up to an d actual vote . no los, it s armageddon. but let s be blunt here. omar lost your position on the foreign affairs committee e, not because she s muslim who wears a headscarf. she lost i wears t because over the years she s made a series of anti-semitic commentss . -sec she wasn t treated unfairly. the newly elected house decided that they didn t want someone with her views involved in r view the oversight of us foreign policy. she s free to serve on othervold committees, but she should not p serve in this particular role. given her radical and anti-semitic history. yeahcommit, i know she s made some apologies, but apparentlyon they weren t convincing. i i certainly did not or was not aware that the word hypnotizes was a trope. i wasn t aware of, of the fact that there are tropes about
to something that was said by a congresswoman at yesterday s hearing g. what i find particularly pernicious is the attempt to conflate the issues of migrantss is seeking legal asylm through our legal processes. with the very real scourge ofth fentanyl trafficking. overwhelmingly comes through the ports of entry in trucks thr and cargo ships, nots no on the backs of migrants. brandon, your response to that? well, it s, you know, just another diversion from the truth, really. i mean, despite how it s getting here, it s getting here. and actually not much of truth s coming through cargo ships. almt almost all of it is coming in through the southern border. throuwell, she s a sittings bot congressman and apparently she s not awarome of the fact fa that we haveny a fentanyl problm at the border. brando border.n?
yes, ma am. hi. i d like to know how we can get biden impeached. ma am he ll get impeached, but this senate won t convict him. bi we have to win in twenty four . we got time. thank you all. love you all. t thank you for being here in court. that s all the time we have left. thank you. for making this show possible. set your dvr so you never miss an episode. let not your heart be troubled before. i m laura ingraham. this is ingram angle from washington tonight. thanks for joining us . crocodile tears.e it s steo sad. tonigh t that s the focus of tonight s angle. republicans remove congresswoman eleanor omar from the foreige n affairs committee another example of house republicans putting the showe n ahead of any kind of policy agenda. a blatant double standard is being applied here. differe and what is the difference between rep obama and these members? between omar acould it be the we