Gephyrophobia is the fear of bridges. Some of us either suffer from this anxiety disorder or know someone who does. Typically, those with gephyrophobia
Dear Editor: After a three-year hiatus, Alna had an enormously successful ham and bean supper where members from all parts of Alna worked, ate, and socialized together. Among those donning aprons and volunteering were Ed Pentaleri, Alna’s first.
From sewer needs, would-be waterfront and Whites Island projects, the ash ponds cleanup, Wawenock block repairs and Optimus Senior Housing, to the first James Weldon Johnson Day, Wiscasset rallying for a teacher’s child who had a stroke, the airport.
Alna selectmen, other residents and the town’s plowing contractor talked again Feb. 16 about service this winter. Ralph Hilton said Route 218 wasn’t plowed in a recent snowstorm. Holbrook Excavation owner Evan Holbrook blamed an equipment breakdown.