but we know, you know, who is count awning us an those are people who want to freedom to choose when we go to the polls. what is the committee wanting to investigate the uranium connection? it doesn t have to be this way and paul ryan is green-lighting this. allowing devin nunes to recuse himself. for democrats, in 2018 we will govern responsibly and do what americans care about when it comes to freedom of democracy. do you think the uranium issue should be investigated? if there is something for the intelligence committee, sure. but not at the expense and but to put this ahead of the investigation and in the
this is when james comey, 12 days before the election, reopened the e-mail investigation, which according to the nbc news politics unit, mark murray, you can tell from the polling, that is when her momentum hit an absolute brick wall. carol lee, we know there were other problems in the campaign, which she has herself acknowledged. but there s no question that the comey announcement, which donald trump seized upon immediately, understandably, given the way the campaign was going, absolutely stopped her dead in her tracks. and there s no question that she and people who worked closely with her on her campaign still seethe over that. you see secretary clinton bring it up, you ve seen other people who are around her bring it up repeatedly. and i think the fact that, you know, you re looking at that clip and then looking at what happened today, and now we re seeing some of the things that were happening behind the scenes with the trump campaign, it s just redredging all of this up
or you could resist, you could even lie to me as he he alleges paul manafort and rick gates did, and if you do that we will throw the book at you. this is a typical white collar investigation, and he is conducting it the way they attack a large scale enterprise like mafia or drug cartel. constantly putting pressure at different levels of the system trying to convince anyone who you can to cooperate. basically can you either cooperate and maybe get off without any hard time or have people banging on your door at 6:00 in the morning predawn and looking through your closets, going through all of your things the way they did to paul manafort. that s right. there is a very significant tell in this plea agreement for george papadopoulos. it talks about a meeting that george papadopoulos had with a professor of london, who seems to be a rutout for russian intelligence. this professor offers to provide
paying more taxes because you don t have the earned income, the income tax credits, things like that. we re working that out, but the way it s looking initially is i don t think anybody is going to be paying any more. let me ask you about, you said something you don t hear other politicians hear very much. you said i was wrong. yeah. during a discussion on medicare. no, i think it was about the subsidies. excuse me. and yeah, i was wrong. i was going to take one subsidy and shift it over to somewhere else. and that really violates the whole concept of getting the government out of the way and letting businesses rise and fall based on their own merits. the meritocracy philosophy was one of the things that led america to the pinnacle so quickly. that s the big philosophy. bottom line is you re not for the ethanol subsidies. that s correct.
look, like i said, i det it for kasich. he wanted in the conversation. michael, i thought go ahead. you re working the reps. they re working all the time, but the other thing is you get prepped in such a way to do that. and to have that line. and you re always in your head looking for that moment to say it. and i just remember whether it was a debate when i was running for the senate. you have been there. you get it in your head and you re waiting for that moment. just say it, just say it. set up carson. you re still debating. did jeb take something off his smack at rubio when he said the french work week? i think he was trying to put a little too much icing on that. i m mixing my metaphors. he didn t need to say french work week. this anti-french nonsense. keep it it simple. you know who was good at doing that, carly fiorina in the second debate, where she didn t have to say she said, everyone in america knows what you meant by that, donald trump.