paying more taxes because you don t have the earned income, the income tax credits, things like that. we re working that out, but the way it s looking initially is i don t think anybody is going to be paying any more. let me ask you about, you said something you don t hear other politicians hear very much. you said i was wrong. yeah. during a discussion on medicare. no, i think it was about the subsidies. excuse me. and yeah, i was wrong. i was going to take one subsidy and shift it over to somewhere else. and that really violates the whole concept of getting the government out of the way and letting businesses rise and fall based on their own merits. the meritocracy philosophy was one of the things that led america to the pinnacle so quickly. that s the big philosophy. bottom line is you re not for the ethanol subsidies. that s correct.
whole concept of getting the government out of the way and letting businesses rise and fall based on their own merits. the meritocracy philosophy was one of the things that led america to the pinnacle so quickly. that s the big philosophy. bottom line is you re not for the ethanol subsidies. that s correct. you would get rid of them in iowa. you thought you would be for them, you re against them. besides yourself, who do you think did as well as you did tonight? i assume you believe you did better than everybody else on stage. i don t necessarily believe that. okay, who did the best on stage? it all comes out much later in the wash. right. who are you impressed with tonight? i was i was impressed with everybody. oh, you re you re not going to take that bait, huh? i m not going to take that one. were you surprised donald trump didn t come after you? he s a smart man. you know, he does what he thinks