The Affordable Rent Act was passed in a vote on Thursday by the Tweede Kamer, the lower house of Parliament. This law, submitted by outgoing Interior Affairs Minister Hugo de Jonge, should reduce the rental prices on some units that are available for tenants on the private rental sector.
The political party 50PLUS is currently unable to access its financial administration. The former head of the Financial Commission, Johan Hessing, took the paperwork home after being voted out last month, and it is still missing from the party's offices in The Hague.In the meantime, an advertising agency has hired a collection agency to help recover an overdue payment for the campaign for the Tweede Kamer elections of last autumn. The Tweede Kamer is the lower house of the Dutch Parliament.
The extra minimum wage increase that the Tweede Kamer, the lower house of the Dutch Parliament, wanted to implement this year is not expected to happen after all. Right-wing political party BBB will vote against the bill next week, said the leader of the BBB faction in the Senate, Ilona Lagos, after a report by NOS. This means that a majority of senators will likely shoot the bill down.
State Secretary Hans Vijlbrief is threatening to resign if his proposal to close the Groningen gas field is delayed any longer by the Eerste Kamer, the Dutch Senate. The Cabinet member in charge of mining policy said he will not play politics with the issue.
Groningen residents and politicians are shocked and disappointed by the Eerste Kamer’s decision to postpone a vote on the permanent closure of the gas fields in the province. The BBB, VVD, PVV, JA21, and 50Plus Senators first want more information about the security of gas supply before they vote on permanently stopping gas extraction in Groningen, which has been plagued with gas mining earthquakes for decades.