Detention of undocumented immigrants, and relations with the u. S. From sky news, this is 30 minutes. Welcome toello, and question time wrap where we look at the first sitting fortnight of the new morrison government. In february of this year, the government introduced a bill that would allow the minister to exclude anyone from entering australia for up to two years if they were suspected of being involved in any terrorist activity. With a strong mandate off the back of their win, they moved to pass the bill. They did ignore a number of recommendations on the drafting of that bill from the powerful Parliamentary Committee. , the labor of the opposition much less suspect mr. Speaker, [laughter] we will say the answer. My question is to the Prime Minister and it goes to National Security. Does the Prime Minister doubt which side people are on when they support the unanimous position of a Parliamentary Joint Committee on intelligence and security . Thank you, mr. Speaker. I think he raise
Annelise hello, and welcome to question time wrap where we look at the first sitting fortnight of the new morrison government. In february of this year, the government introduced a bill that would allow the minister to exclude anyone from entering australia for up to two years if they were suspected of being involved in any terrorist activity. With a strong mandate off the back of their win, they moved to pass the bill. They did ignore a number of recommendations on the drafting of that bill from the powerful Parliamentary Committee. The labor of the opposition, much less lofty i suspect. [laughter] we will say the answer. My question is to the Prime Minister and it goes to National Security. Does the Prime Minister doubt which side people are on when they support the unanimous position of a Parliamentary Joint Committee on intelligence and security . Thank you, mr. Speaker. I think he raised the role of the joint Standing Committee the joint Standing Committee on these matters does im
Committee. The leader of the opposition now, i less lofty suspect, mr. Speaker. [laughter] we will say the answer. My question is to the Prime Minister and it goes to National Security. Does the Prime Minister doubt which side people are on when they support the unanimous position of a Parliamentary Joint Committee on intelligence and security . Mr. Morrison thank you, mr. Speaker. I thank him for raising the role of the joint Standing Committee. The joint Standing Committee on these matters does important work in the parliament. When members come to that committee, they bring forward the positions of the various parties to address the National Security issues that the countries face. What i have noted in my time in this place is that it has always been those who sit on this side of the house who have always brought the stronger position. It is always on the side of the house, with the measures for the committee, that the matters have. Een found to be watered down therefore, it is the
That would allow the minister to exclude anyone from entering australia for up to two years if they were suspected of being involved in any terrorist activity. With a strong mandate off the back of their resounding election win, they moved to pass the bill. But they did ignore a number of key recommendations on the drafting of the bill from a powerful parliamentary committee. The labor of the opposition, much less lofty now, i suspect. Mr. Speaker. [laughter] we will say the answer. [applause] my question is to the Prime Minister and it goes to National Security. Does the Prime Minister doubt which side people are on when they support the unanimous position of a Parliamentary Joint Committee on intelligence and security . Thank you, mr. Speaker. I think he raised the role of the joint Standing Committee the joint Standing Committee on these matters does important work in the parliament. And when members come to that committee, they bring forward the positions of the various parties to
, i want to start with haiti. And as you saw, secretary blinken who was there playing a Critical Role in jamaica and had support mission to haiti and humanitarian■h■i assistance ande urge others to do what they can to deploy in support of the Haitian National police. There is a lot ahead and there are positive steps to elect their leaders and stabilize their country and■ determine their future. As you know, President Biden looks forward to a joint meeting at the white house. He has twice traveled to wausau in 2022 and 2023 and he had repay the hospitality and the leaders of poland. They will also discuss our shared support for ukraine in face of brutal war on aggression. Poland has provided assistance to ukraine and for u. S. Allies and partners to supply ukraine with the tools that it needs to defend ukraine against this russian imperial war. The polish people have opened their doors to one ukranian refugees. Polands leadership has demonstrated that once again in a very live and