you are saying, even if you took money from harvey weinstein, basically been accused of rape, it s okay. don t allow donald trump to shame you on things for which he feels no shame. otherwise you re playing into his routine, everything you re doing, he wants you to apologize for. low, use the pope example because it happened. he had a twitter fight with the pope. who has a fight with the pope? and he got away with it. ed: i don t want to leave this one out. it is important. don t cede fox news. i was asking for an interview every day. certainly never sat down with m me, bret baier, anybody. that is a large democratic party at mistake. people want to see more of me, all day long, want me to have my own show. no, i think it is a mistake to give up an entire network,
it s not one of their greater moments. there was a lot of debate about how to handle this, and they were people on the white house staff, michael daniel, the white house cybersecurity coordinator, and the chief russia specialist on the national security council, you have to strike back in real-time. they come back with these really creative proposals, cyber attacks and russian news sites dumping information, exposing information about putin s corruption, secret bank accounts in latvia, and the top policymakers in the white house were reluctant to go there. they were afraid of an excavation. ed: let s get to the dossier real quick. another big thing is, obama loyalists have tried to all the former president of from the salacious parts of the dossier and have said that the
engage, put on the candidates, put on surrogates, put on anybody. just to have a fighting chance, because when you don t even try try ed: there you go. this is an important one. the ride clinton at peril. focus on what she is not isn t. smart, savvy, tough. still beloved by tens of millions who don t want to hear your trash her. her endorsement is invaluable. . she has got more votes, 4 million more votes than bernie sanders, more votes in the primary than anyone other than barack obama. she is popular in the democratic party, and the notion that she lost donald trump, there for it she is an 88, terrible, evil, all these things, is an oversimplification. ed: i ve got 30 seconds.
calling out what she stands for, and that is elitism, which was not resonated with traditional democrats and moderate republicans. ed: charlie, i ve got another moment for you. nancy pelosi herself weighed in on this and we added a little bit to it. watch. this is a bankruptcy of the republican party. they are devoid of ideas about how they are going to meet the needs of the american people, so it is an ad hominem. they can t win on the issues so they go after a person. this is in a dishonorable human being. he is a con man. he came to this job as a con man. i really call him, you know, don a con man. ed: democrats are now against ad hominem attacks? they are against ad hominem attacks and they hurl them right back at the president, quite interesting. nancy pelosi is the political gift that continues to keep on giving. as a republican, i want her in front of the camera all the time, as much as possible. her favorability ratings are
we have no evidence of collusion, we have turned up nothing. ed: so schiff says that s not true, he says there is significant evidence of collusion, he talks about george papadopoulos, talks about the secret meeting at trump tower, he wrong? yeah, that s not collusion. ed: what is it? first of all, papadopoulos, if you believe that, we re still trying to get to the bottom of what really happened there, because last time i checked, it s okay for americans to get drunk at a bar in london. ed: could get a lot of people in trouble. he was mouthing off to an australian diplomat, that s all we know right now. so that is not that s not colluding with russia. if you take the trump tower meeting, is it smart to take a trump tower meeting with russians or any meeting with russians, probably not, not a good idea. ed: but it s not collusion? there s no evidence.