and it s because of its horrible consequences, of p course, defunding the police. it started with the squad, itf, all mentally deranged ideas. and at the time, of course, the left in their medimatelyed d it. remember kamala offering to bail out rioters 20, 20, summer of love. it s the last time she ever did anything of accomplishmentim . blm raised enough money to puten thousandt. ed enougs cops on patrol. instead, that money wentto to mansions and pools. yes, it was going to be a bravew new world where weas g all justt along, where criminals helped little old ladies cross the streetriminalsd instead of knocking their teeth out and taking their purses. but then a funnteeth ouy thig happened. or not so funny depending on your zip code reality came. turns out defunding wase the worst idea since hunte r. said. hey, let s record thi[laughs in san francisco. l.a. chicago, philly, yor baltimore, saint louis, new york. our major look scarier than the entire cast of the view, waking