Welcome to hannIty. TonIght, early votIng In the commonwealth of PennsylvanIa Commpennsylvy In 12 days. Now, the fIrst maIl In ballots wIll be out to voters vot thIs frIday. That would be tomorrow In north carolIna. A mere and the electIon Is a mere 60 days away. But Kamala HarrIs tIm walz, they have conducted only one LIort IntervIew combIned. They both lIterally run froM Every questIon, even Thosey Runr by frIendly reporters. Coey hav shoe held zero press conferences, no Town Halls, gaggles. None of It In the same tImean frame. Donald trump. J. D. Vance. A partIcIped thme edIted a Wells 40 IntervIews and Town Halls and press conferences, cludIn IncludIng last nIght In harrIsburg, p. A. where the former took questIons for t more than an hour, In fact. Wellan we couldnt fIt It all I In just one show. I dIond have. Ou wIl one more questIon for the presIdent. Youll see the answer to thIs In a moment. L answer to thIsand that was abr not the presIdent wouldIdent, In fact, how would he deb
Getting to know each one of them was the event is called a new generation of mayors and citys, we have mayors all in their first term in the case of mayor lincoln only four weeks on the job, mayors doing interesting things, interesting ideas about the future, very challenging times, the pandemic, urban unrest and a bunch of other challenges that flow from those things. I want to dive right in and hear about what they are doing and what it means for Public Policy and the future of our cities, mayor of Miami Francis suarez was elected in 2013, first term mayors, district number 4, the first miami born mayor of the city. Look forward to hearing from you, Francis Suarez. David holt, mayor of Oklahoma City since 2013, the first native american mayor of Oklahoma City and one of the youngest mayors of the city with 500,000 residents that he served eight years in the senate in oklahoma. The newest member of the bench, Kevin Lincoln just assumed office which the Census Bureau calls the most div
The embassy of the Islamic Republic of afghanistan in washington. My colleague and director will be moderating the conversation but its my great pleasure and honor to ask the ambassador to provide welcoming remarks. Your excellency. Thank you. Good morning, good afternoon or good evening depending on where you are right now in joining us for the session. It is my pleasure to welcome you to the second event of the embassy of afghanistan. We are glad to be hosting the event on lebanons agreement and partnership with the Atlantic Council a wonderful partner of the embassy in washington. I want to offer a warm thank you to the Atlantic Council further help in organizing this important discussion and all the great work they are continuously doing. Furthermore i would like to express my gratitude for taking the time to share their knowledge and insight with us today. Ambassador i thank you and not just for joining us today that for all the great work that youve done in afghanistan over the y
Constant. Our values, priorities, vision, we are all you jerseyans. The stories weve heard have a good across our state for the better part of the past. They are stories that show great and reveal our hearts. They echo the pain of 2020 and previewed the hope of 2021. They are tied with a Common Thread that we are all in this together. Most of all, these you jerseyans select the state of our state although deeply wounded, we enter 2021 wiser than before and ready to move forward together. Weve lived this truth together, new jersey was one of the first hardest hit states that our communities of color have been disproportionately impacted currently battling a second wave which is just as brutal as the first. Every single day, as we have for nearly a year, we face the challenge head on. Every day we wrestled with the tough, yet necessary decisions we know there are more to come. The right decisions for the longterm Public Health of our families. We wait every pro and con to ensure every de
Foundation. This is a little more than an hour. Mr. Clinton thank yall for joining us for the second edition of building an inclusive recovery. I hope wherever you are tuning in from, you are staying healthy and safe. I would like to begin by expressing my gratitude to our sponsors for this session. I want to thank those who have made action. I hope all of you will think about specific ways you and your organizations can make a difference or partner with others to increase your impact. Our topic today, the housing crisis, has plagued america long before covid19. Now, it is even more urgent. Especially in dense urban areas. Without enough Affordable Housing, they face new challenges from Economic Impacts of the pandemics. Home ownership has long been recognized as one of the most effective and Proven Solutions to Building Wealth and Financial Stability in america. Even before the pandemic, homeownership rates for black americans were at an alltime low. Latino homeownership is the Fastes