Commission meeting
th meeting in Canberra, with most Commissioners attending virtually due to COVID-19 travel uncertainties.
This document provides a summary of the key discussions and decisions by the Commission. It is not a record of discussions and does not cover agenda items and discussions that are either routine or confidential.
The Commission considered written submissions provided by industry groups and individuals from the following: Atlantis (on behalf of SETFIA, SSIA, SPFIA and BSSIA); Tuna Australia; Squid Jig Industry, Northern Prawn Fishery Pty Ltd (NPF), Great Australian Bight Industry Association and Scallop Fishermen’s Association of Tasmania (SFAT).
The Commission values these industry updates on the operating environment in individual fisheries as well as any specific advice and/or concerns raised. The Commission discussed issues arising from all reports. In particular, the Commission:
Date Time
Fishers must report all catch – even catch for personal use
The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) is reminding fishers that ‘take home packs’ no longer exist.
In 2014, the arrangements that allowed fishers in the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery, and Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery, to dispose of fish upon landing for personal use without recording the relevant weights was removed.
If fishers plan to dispose of landed fish for personal use they must ensure all species and weights are accurately recorded in their catch disposal records (CDRs) and logbooks.
Not reporting catch is an offence under the Fisheries Management Act 1991.
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Marine conservationists welcome funding for cameras on boats
The Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS) says it is encouraged by the announcement of Federal Government funding for ‘e-monitoring’ technology on fishing fleets, and says it is vital the system is extended to all sections of Commonwealth fisheries.
E-monitoring involves the installation of video cameras on fishing boats, providing fisheries officials and scientists with data on the numbers of endangered species caught as bycatch, as well as any saleable fish that are thrown back into the sea (legally or otherwise).
AMCS Sustainable Seafood Program Manager Adrian Meder said no new fisheries are getting e-monitoring in the announcement, with funding allocated to upgrade existing equipment and monitoring systems.