Jan 30, 2021
EAST LIVERPOOL In East Liverpool Municipal Court, Christine R. Pease, East Liverpool Road, has been set for a status hearing April 6 on charges of OVI, OVI (above .17 BAC), hit-skip and divided roadway. She appeared Thursday before visiting Judge John M. Solovan, who retired after serving in Belmont County, after Judge Dominic Frank had recused himself.
Just after midnight Oct. 4, officers responded to a report that Pease, who allegedly was intoxicated, was involved in a wrong way two-vehicle traffic crash before finally being stopped while exiting U.S. Route 30 onto state Route 7 in Madison Township. She eventually provided a .193 BAC, almost three times the legal limit.
Lissette M. Wayt, Salem, vs. David J. Wayt, Alliance, divorce sought.
Patricia A. Jasenec, East Liverpool, vs. Quinn E. Lyle, Wellsville, excess of $25,000 in compensatory damages and injuries from a traffic crash on state Route 170, St. Clair Township on Feb. 1, 2019.
Docket Entries
County Treasurer vs. A & L Salvage LLC, et al., three parcels sold to William and Carrie Catlett for $94,375 and one parcel sold to the same couple for $30,855, all properties off state Route 45 and U.S. Route 30.
County Treasurer vs. A & L Salvage LLC, et al., property on Black Road sold to Bond Investors for $375,000.
LISBON Four Salem residents were charged with obstructing justice in County Municipal Court after attempting to hide a woman from authorities when they came to an East Fourth Street home with a warrant.
New Cases
County Treasurer vs. Stephenie J. Clasen, et al., foreclosure sought for alleged delinquent taxes for property on 13th Street, Wellsville.
County Treasurer vs. Heidi J. Smith, et al., foreclosure sought for alleged delinquent taxes for property on Main Street, Wellsville.
Docket Entries
County Treasurer vs. David Huffman, et al., foreclosure ordered for property on Center Road, East Liverpool.
County Treasurer vs. the unknown heirs of Shirley A. Milite, deceased, et al., foreclosure ordered for property on Maple Street, Lisbon.
County Treasurer vs. Leona Quimby, defendant entered payment plan, foreclosure on hold.
County Treasurer vs. Donald P. Bishop, et al., foreclosure ordered for property on East North Avenue, East Palestine.
Jan 15, 2021
LISBON A New York man, who allegedly sliced a local man in the head and back with a razor blade at a former motel was among 50 people indicted by the Columbiana County Common Pleas Court grand jury this week.
Naquan P. McCorkle, 35, Lynbrook, N.Y., is charged with felonious assault, a second-degree felony, and attempted murder, a first-degree felony. In the early morning hours of Nov. 30, McCorkle is accused of cutting Brian Custer with a razor blade in attempt to end his life at the location formerly known as the Trails End Motel on state Route 45 between Lisbon and West Point.
EAST LIVERPOOL A month after an appeals court ruled against city police and remanded the case back to East Liverpool Municipal Court, Judge Dominic Frank dismissed it Tuesday.
Frank granted Assistant County Prosecutor Abbey Minamyer’s motion to dismiss the 2019 criminal charges without prejudice against Joseph DeSarro II, Duke Vodrey Road.
In their Dec. 16 dated decision, Judges Gene Donofrio, Carol Ann Robb and David A. D’Apolito of the Seventh Court of Appeals reversed the case before Frank’s predecessor Melissa Byers-Emmerling and suppressed all evidence, alleging an unlawful search.
The charges stemmed from DeSarro’s March 29, 2019 arrest. Patrolman Chris Green investigated alleged drug activity in the 900 block of Avondale and began conducting surveillance through a partially obstructed window, videotaping it with his phone before calling for backup. “Patrolman Green observed (DeSarro), brushing his teeth and saw a firearm in the waistba