Get latest articles and stories on World at LatestLY. The balloon shot down off the coast of South Carolina on 4 February was a massive 60 meters in diameter, while the payload suspended beneath probably weighed over 900kg. An American U-2 spy plane flyby of the balloon revealed all manner of sophisticated sensors slung underneath it. Measuring the size of 2-3 school buses, or a regional jet, the payload bay incorporated multiple intelligence collection sensors and communication antennas, including those for signals intelligence. All this equipment was powered by 16 solar arrays. World News | China s Hypocrisy over Military Surveillance Stands out Starkly.
A week before Missouri’s annual statewide earthquake drill, more than 329,000 people are already registered to participate in the Great Central U. S. “ShakeOut” on October 20. A total of nearly 2 million people are registered in the 14 central U.S. states that could be impacted by a New Madrid Seismic Zone earthquake.