Researchers from MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) found that the Multiple Demand and Language brain systems encode specific code properties and uniquely align with machine-learned representations of code.
The results in this paper are based on the specific tax policy proposals of Senator Barack Obama and Senator John McCain. The economy improves under each plan as compared to the CBO baselinethat assumes that all of the Bush tax cuts disappear. While bothcandidates plan to reduce taxes compared to this scenario and eachachieves his stated goal, their approaches are quite different.
To predict the budgetary impact of a major federal policy accurately, analysts should take into account the policy’s potential macroeconomic effects.
Yvonne Y. Clark, known as Y.Y. throughout her career, had a lifetime of groundbreaking achievements as a Black female mechanical engineer. In the third episode of the third season of the Lost Women of Science podcast, we see how Y.Y.’s brilliance helped make Project Apollo a success
The authors use a microsimulation model of the federal individualincome tax and the Global Insight short-term U.S. MacroeconomicModel to analyze the dynamic economic and budget effects ofpermanently extending some of the expiring provisions of the 2001and 2003 tax laws.