when we were kids. wiz had a word for adults that collected kids toys, they were called we wierdos and not suppod to go close to their house. it looks like the inside of a van that promise you candy. kidnappers don t do it anymore and they pull and you happen kids are like does it contain high fructose corn syrup? i m out of here. i held onto my toys and not out there buying new ones and they re specifically buying new ones and you can t do and i have a toy called he man and i d be playing with gi josephine because you can t commit to the one gender anymore but it s a weird collector thing people trying to recapture their youth and we ve done it in every other way and no one is an adult anymore. go on instagram, everybody is broadcasting every second of their life.
the children, or must they break from the land of make believe to a world of no belief. laura: no belief. and that s at the heart of all of this. it s people who simply want to believe nothing. we need awe, we need wonder, particularly at christmas, don t take that away from children. leave them alone. laura: again the wonderment. you and i have talked about that a lot where everything s so instantly accessible, waiting every year to watch the wiz around of oz or the sound of music was so exciting. i think they also don t like the nature of good and evil, naughty and nice. laura: oh, coal in your stocking. as you reveit on the angle we are adult kern s on children while depriving them of childhood. in coming house democratic whip katherine clark. let me tell you what it means to me coming in as a different generation. i remember my middle child waking up with nightmares over
helps them cash flow. we can t have our farmers go out of wiz. when another of business. when another country grows our food and supplies it, they control us. that s the reality of long-term planning and policy and how it impacts our security as a nation. sean: 100%. and to that point, governor, we ve heard stories where the chinese are coming in and buying up huge plots of land. much of this is by u.s. military bases. joe biden has done nothing to address this land purchase by the chinese. is there the something that governors can do to stop these land purchases? yes, there s some. but we have to look at what the long-term agenda has been of china. they ve already bought up a lot of our fertilizer companies, processing systems, now they re buying land, and they have been doing that for quite some time. in south dakota we have a state law that the limits the amount of land a foreign entity can purchase, but we re going to reevaluate that. and we re also going to hook at leases beca
helps them cash flow. we can t have our farmers go out of wiz. when another of business. when another country grows our food and supplies it, they control us. that s the reality of long-term planning and policy and how it impacts our security as a nation. sean: 100%. and to that point, governor, we ve heard stories where the chinese are coming in and buying up huge plots of land. much of this is by u.s. military bases. joe biden has done nothing to address this land purchase by the chinese. is there the something that governors can do to stop these land purchases? yes, there s some. but we have to look at what the long-term agenda has been of china. they ve already bought up a lot of our fertilizer companies, processing systems, now they re buying land, and they have been doing that for quite some time. in south dakota we have a state law that the limits the amount of land a foreign entity can purchase, but we re going to reevaluate that. and we re also going to hook at leases beca
If HALLOWEEN is over, it must be time for CHRISTMAS.ALL ACCESS has compiled the latest list of stations that have switched to all-CHRISTMAS music for an ALL ACCESS EXCLUSIVE SPECIAL COVERAGE: STATIONS NOW AIRING ALL CHRISTMAS MUSIC. Some of the first stations to get into the holiday spirit include: BONNEVILLE INTERNATION AC KOSI/DENVER: BEASLEY MEDIA GROUP AC WMGQ (MAGIC 98.3)/NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ; iHEARTMEDIA AC WMAG (MIX 99.5)/GREENSBORO, NC; AUDACY AC WSPA (CHRISTMAS MAGIC .