steve: what happened to the expression never forget. never forget the families but never forget it could happen again. ainsley: in other news, king charles is heading to scotland for services mourning his beloved mother queen elizabeth ii. steve: memorial comes after charles first address to parliament as sovereign. brian: greg palkot the general in charge of buckingham palace for us. hey, greg. [laughter] lieutenant colonel, i think. hey, brian, steve, ainsley. it s noontime here at buckingham palace. but it s already busy. again, we saw the king wiz by in his rolls royce a short while ago and we have been seeing a lot of pomp and pageantry being practiced this ahead of a full, full week of the remembrances of the late queen elizabeth ii. just concluded at the westminster hall parliament joint session of the houses of commons and lords.
Rapper Wiz Khalifa performed at US s Indianapolis on Friday but had to cut short the concert as people started exiting the outside arena, following a ruckus, leaving three with minor injuries.
good am i supposed to say only five words greg? greg: no, that s me. tom: oh. thought i was over there. greg: do you ever watch this show? you re an employee? tom: but you remember they already made the wiz you remember that greg when we were kids and that was an african-american wizard of oz and i hope it was an african-american who had the idea because i think that would be i can picture like some white executive in the 70s like how about a black wizard of oz and, you know, they do everything in a black way, like they don t walk down the road, they ease on down the road. that s the song. [cheers and applause]. greg: and what a great idea that was and now we think that we re more racist than ever when we had the wiz that had to be like 30, 40 years ago. diana ross right? michael jackson was in it. greg: michael jackson. we won t talk about that. too soon. andy, thoughts? andy: i wish it was more originality. i mean, i m fine with them
Cloud security firm Wiz has announced the launch of an open database whose goal is to catalog vulnerabilities and other security issues affecting cloud services.