can we get back to the topic at hand. i feel we are veering away. when you watch the new hawaii 5-o how weird is his neck? weird. and he wears a sports coat. you can t wear a sports coat if you are all neck. do you want to move on? no, i want to talk about the neck. jesse? i liked your idea about how asking terrorists what their favorite beatle was, that s a telltale, what is your favorite beatle? dung. got it, right there. that was a very smart comment. you get the smartest comment of the night award. it is actually not a metal. coming up, should murderers be uh allowed free room and board in your own home? it is share your bed with a killer, but first shirtless
to its market economics hand consumer. this set off a series of demands for participation and, above all, for rectifying some of the consequences, when you move from a clan economy to market economy, you have two systems, so it creates opportunity for nepotism. this led to the uprising at tiananmen square, which dung put down after five weeks of hesitation and tremendous anguish, in all levels, i brought out in the book, there was a tragedy that affected all the participants. as mika knows from her family s
i said mccotter on guitar. that s a whole different level of musical tee. i will even let you play, mr. keyboard player. i will use both hands. listen, andy. if i can get kids to start singing about the constitution and getting into the groove, i m all for it no matter how you have to do it. yeah, i would find that irritating. i have had teachers like you. i was a teacher. i am completely opposed. congressman, you said you found the videos to be dung and they should abuse that notion. she pointed out the epa s rap was reported by ted coopwood. well if you are citing him, you are the one with the problem. just pointing out who he is. thank you for that. you are welcome. and marla gibbs is not dead. thank god. i love that woman. she has a movie in post
direction that was. that is a stereo type you would like to enforce and that sickens me. congressman have you decided to do rap music to get your word out when you run for president? no, i found those two particular pieces to be dung. i would think if the liberals were the art see, creative people they need to have them pulled. we will be playing my brother s band and i will be going down to miami and ohio area where we are playing for the military families and soldiers to raise money for them. i swear to god you won t hear that. there will be no hip-hop breaks in the middle of the rock songs? no, we won t be doing any of that. we will be playing mc5 and things. by the way, aren t mercinaries cool? don t bash them. they re cool. don t most rappers want to look like mercinaries? of course. did they convert you to code pink s idea?
missouri after the massive storm literally buried that state in snow. dozens of cars are still stranded out there in missouri, shoveling. no holiday for these folks. it s kind of hard because it s just ice. we call it plow dung, the material that comes off the plow that nobody wants. martha: government officials are going to move in and coordinate the disaster relief. bill: i m going to dung that man in st. louis! after 2 feet of snow! all that snow, forcing travelers to scramble. you know, you re changing plans if you re traveling this week. so far airlines have canceled this week 20,000 flights. more than 1200 canceled again today. and the snow, grounding 500 flights out of texas alone. that includes, what, dallas and houston. continental, american airlines, both run hubs out of airports in texas, both cancellations could have ripple effects across the kufpblt it s a winter to forget. martha: and freezing weather