direction that was. that is a stereo type you would like to enforce and that sickens me. congressman have you decided to do rap music to get your word out when you run for president? no, i found those two particular pieces to be dung. i would think if the liberals were the art see, creative people they need to have them pulled. we will be playing my brother s band and i will be going down to miami and ohio area where we are playing for the military families and soldiers to raise money for them. i swear to god you won t hear that. there will be no hip-hop breaks in the middle of the rock songs? no, we won t be doing any of that. we will be playing mc5 and things. by the way, aren t mercinaries cool? don t bash them. they re cool. don t most rappers want to look like mercinaries? of course. did they convert you to code pink s idea?