Following two back-to-back incidents of assault on minor girls in the state, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey on Sunday slammed the Hemant Soren s government in Jharkhand for the growing atrocities on Dalit girls and said that underage Dalits and tribal girls are being exploited and the government is sleeping.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Following two back-to-back incidents of assault on minor girls in the state, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey on Sunday slammed the Hemant Soren s government in Jharkhand for the growing atrocities on Dalit girls and said that "underage Dalits and tribal girls are being exploited and the government is sleeping." India News | BJP MP Nishikant Dubey Demands Probe After Minor Girl Found Hanging from Tree in Jharkhand s Dumka.
Amber Lakra, Superintendent of police (SP) of Dumka said that they have arrested one accused in the case and have charged him under POCSO Act and SC/ST Act.
After a minor tribal girl was found hanging from a tree in Jharkhand Dumka district, the police on Sunday registered a rape and murder case under POCSO Act an