I was just having so much fun with the minus-15 temperatures and 20 mph winds last month that I just forgot to write an article. Well, the last part is true. Things have been mundane around here unroll hay, break ice and fill water tanks.
Growing Great Vegetables: Preparing the Garden and Care
Submitted by Extension Communications Director: Samantha Koon, Extension Communications
University of Illinois Extension
The spring of 2020 saw a surge of gardeners taking up the trowel for the first time to try their hand at growing vegetables. Growing Great Vegetables is a seven-week webinar series covering the basics of starting a vegetable garden. This session will cover how soil plays an important role in growing a vegetable garden, including soil testing and amendments, fertilizer, manures, mulch, watering, weeding, and gardening tools. Contact: Ken Johnson
February 16 | 1:30 PM: Four Seasons: Therapeutic Value of Nature Are you stressed from having to practice social distancing? Can’t go anywhere? Do anything? Spending time in nature can help soothe and heal. Join Illinois Extension horticulture educator Mary Fischer as she presents research-based studies in support of the healing powers of nature. Contact: Nancy
January 15, 2021
URBANA, Ill. – Dudley Smith, Jr. recognized the economic challenges facing agriculture in Illinois and its impact on rural communities. On his Christian County farm, he championed the adoption of technological advances which advanced stewardship and sustainability of agricultural practices.
Smith gave the farm and a substantial endowment to University of Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences in 1993, and the transformative research on agricultural practices continues. That research will be highlighted in the Dudley Smith Farm Winter Meeting, beginning at 10 a.m. Feb. 9.
Animal and crop sciences experts are featured during the daylong virtual conference. Continuing education units have been approved for certified crop advisors. Learn more and register by Feb. 5 at go.illinois.edu/DSFWinter2021.