The Mamata Banerjee-led West Bengal government received a major jolt from the Calcutta High Court on Wednesday after a division bench declared the state government's 'Duare Ration' (ration at doorsteps) scheme as illegal.A pet project of Mamata .
New Delhi, Sep. 28 (PTI): Ahead of assembly elections in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh, the government on Wednesday extended by three months its programme to provide free rations to the poor at a cost of INR 44,762 crore as it looked to ease pain from high inflation. The scheme to provide 5 kg of wheat and rice free of cost to 80 crore poor every month, which was ending on Friday, will now run through December 31, 2022, I&B Minister Anurag Thakur said. The Union Cabinet headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a meeting on Wednesday decided to extend the scheme by three months, he said. The Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY) was started in April 2020 to help the poor whose livelihoods were shuttered by a nationwide lockdown aimed at containing the spread of the Coronavirus. The scheme has been extended multiple times and was to end on Friday. “At a time when the world is battling with the effects of Covid on its decline and insecurity due to various reasons, Ind
It is pertinent to mention that Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee started the ‘Duare Ration’ scheme after the Trinamool Congress government came to power for the third time last year.