The split in retail fertilizer prices is continuing as five fertilizers are more expensive, while the remaining three fertilizers prices are slightly lower compared to the prior month.
Most fertilizer prices are lower compared to last month, with one exception: The average retail price of anhydrous is 11% higher than it was last month with an average price of $696 per ton. Only three fertilizers (potash, 10-34-0, DAP) had significant price declines, while prices for the remaining four fertilizers (MAP, urea, UAN28, UAN32) were slightly lower compared to last month.
Once again, most fertilizer prices continued to move lower compared to last month. For the first time in several months, one fertilizer moved higher compared to last month. Anhydrous was 7% more expensive compared to last month with an average price of $680/ton.
Five of the eight major fertilizers saw large moves lower compared to a month earlier. Leading the way down were anhydrous and UAN32, which were 10% less expensive compared to last month. Anhydrous had an average price of $622/ton while UAN32 was $399/ton.
Like last week, all eight of the major fertilizer prices saw large moves lower compared to a month ago. Leading the way lower were anhydrous and UAN32, which were both 14% less expensive compared to last month. Anhydrous had an average price of $634 per ton while UAN32 was at $400 per ton.