her spouse or partner is an everyday occurrence in this country and across the globe, and so, i mean, we can look at a number of different things that we can do about raising awareness and empowering women, passing the violence against women act, which is being filibustered by republicans for reasons i simply cannot articulate. heather mcgehee, you always bring it back to something so substantive and meaningful. and guns. and guns. that s the other thing. we could have left it on mickey mabtel drunk tweeting. i ll bring it back to that. that s it for the show. thank you to ryan, heather, harold, and andrew. that s all for now. see you back here tomorrow at noon eastern, 9:00 a.m. pacific when i m joined by deputy mayor howard wolfson, joye reid, jared bernstein, and ezra cline. plus, dr. richard rezen that will will be here to talk about mental health indication. you can find us at facebook.com/now with alex. andrea mitchell reports is coming up next. not in my house! ha ha ha!
nothing in those tweets indicated what donald trump actually plans to do about his conflicts of interest. no sane person could come away from those tweets thinking well, now we know something more about what donald trump is actually going to do about his conflicts of interest. we didn t know more after reading those trumps than we did before donald trump woke up this morning and started tweeting. and that is why what happened three hours at 9:5 5 a.m. is the most shocking thing we have seen in government since twitter was invented, and that is why we are worried about walter schaub jr. walter who? exactly. that s my point. no one had any idea who he was before 9:55 today. and we re not supposed to know who he is. i didn t know who he is until today because he is supposed to be a faceless bureaucrat in a zero visibility job that is a
steve mnuchin for treasury secretary and devos. is this draining the swamp? they re basically defending the very stuff that trump riled against. we are going to drain the swamp. this is probably the greatest bait and switch since trump university. well, it is happening. and it s happening way, way faster than we expected it to happen. this wasn t supposed to happen until january 20th. the government wasn t supposed to go crazy until donald trump became president of the united states. most people around the world believed that that would be the first day, the first day that the american government officially went crazy. but it s already happened. it happened this morning at 9:55:00 a.9:5 9:55 a.m. that s when an obscure government office started drunk
tweeting, tweeting that was provoked by another round of tweeting at dawn by donald trump. and for once, for once, the trump tweeting was actually about something important, something really important. at 6:39 a.m., the president-elect of the united states of america tweeted i will be holding a major news conference in new york city with my children on december 15 to discuss the fact that i will be leaving my and then it took him five minutes to finish that sentence in his next tweet at 6:44 a.m. when he add my great business in total in order to fully focus on running the countr in order to make america great again. while i am not mandated to and then it took him ten minutes, possibly in consultation with a lawyer the finish that sentence in a tweet at 6:54 a.m. saying do this under the law, i feel it is