Dr Reddys Labs Share Price: Find the latest news on Dr Reddys Labs Stock Price. Get all the information on Dr Reddys Labs with historic price charts for NSE / BSE. Experts & Broker view also get the Dr Reddys Labs Ltd. buy/sell tips detailed news, announcements, Forecasts, Analysts, Valuation, Earning forecasts, Estimates, Recommendations, Analysts Ratings, financial report, company information, annual report, balance sheet, profit & loss account, results and more.
"The agreed consideration for the assets and liabilities of the said site is EUR 1. Further DRRDBV has agreed to pay to the purchaser a compensation of EUR 11.35 million for certain operating expenses.
Hyderabad: The Sistema Group company, Binnopharm Group via its affiliate Joint Stock Company Alium , and Dr. Reddy s Laboratories Ltd., an integrated global pharmaceutical company, today announced.
Hyderabad: Drug major, Dr Reddy s Labs, has recently announced the appointment of Penny Wan as an Additional Director, categorized as Independent, on the Board of the company for a term of five.