jobs. we heard a different story from folks in york, nebraska, this spring. land ownerers told the ed show about the misinformation campaign and aggressive land grab tactics trans-canada tried to use. wherever you go, people want to talk about the pipeline. this is an issue at the heart of a lot of things in nebraska. i think one of the main reasons is it brings everything together. for the people of nebraska, it s about the aquifer and the land grab. these two issues have cultivated new alliances. it s the citizens and land owners and the tribes that really have become a strong alliance with us. when we started we had about a thousand e-mails of folks. now we have over 25,000. about 90% of those are nebras nebraskans. we have strong support in our state. land owners say they have
reform. economy is for immigration reform. yet despite all of the pleading and compromises, all of the concessions, we get a no from boehner. do you think the president should go as far as he can go with executive orders to address this issue? i think the president needs to be bold. it needs to be ample, we need to unify families and look at this issue not just as deportation detention issue but as an issue of unification. this great nation of ours is from many there is one. this is the immigrant experience we re going through right now. we should be about integrating people, not doing what we re doing, leaving people in the shadows and segregating people. i also think underlining this whole issue in particular, this immigration issue we re confronting, underlining that as the issue of race, like it or not, it s part and parcel. they have linked those two
things together and it makes it even a more a more dangerous kind of issue not to settle and not to come to some conclusion with. okay. congressman rob grijalva. let me bring in bob shrum. it really boils down to demographics, republican policies don t match up with demographics. what s your take on this? what s going on is the republican party is captive to a bitter group of people in this country who can t come to terms with the emerging new america that will be a majority of minorities number one. you have folks like steve king representative steve king from iowa in the house who at least sound racist when they talk about immigration reform. i think they genuinely feel that kind of resentment. and number three, you have some republicans who know this is political disaster for them demographically long term who sit there on the house and look
they are doing. i think that s the target in the long-term. the phenomena with children is another expression of how broken this system is. what do you think the motivation is behind the republican obstruction on immigration? why are they doing this? if the system is so broken, why can t they come to some kind of agreement to fix this with the president? what s their motivation, congressman? i think you hit the nail on the head with your commentary. i think it is about politics and voting base that they are afraid of and afrid will never align with them. it is also about a very simple issue with the republicans that if they can suppress votes, eliminate votes, then they continue to retain power. they come up with excuses, it s obama s fault, we can t trust them. come up with excuses about not doing anything. chamber of commerce is for immigration reform. 70 plus are for immigration
concerned. i want to know about montana. is it a done deal in montana or is eminent dplan dmain an issue there and now that there s been a correction of a lot of information out there, are you going to expand your message and outreach to the state? we are definitely already reaching out to the tribes and land owners in montana. there was a spill in the yellowstone river a couple years ago. that got land owner awareness up. trans-canada has essentially lied to governor swiezer and senator tester saying the pipeline would bring $18 million a year in property tax which is not true. keystone one is the example. they said it will help get 500 million barrels of oil to the market when they have krarkt contracts for only 6% of the line to carry montana and south dakota oil. they have been sold a bill of goods. what s the difference this time around for trans-canada