Dublin city leaders continue to discuss amendments to the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan, whose preferred vision initially approved by the City Council in 2019 aims to transform the retail district of the city over the next decades.
DUBLIN — Plans for a new private school in east Dublin received planning commission approval at its May 23 meeting, despite concerns over added traffic. The commission approved the project
In a meeting set for Tuesday, April 20, at 7 p.m., the Dublin City Council will address its unfinished business concerning BRIDGE Housing.
The council will consider appropriating $7.1 million from the Cityâs Affordable Housing Fund and authorizing the commitment of $2.9 million in Alameda County Measure A1 Bond funds to BRIDGE Housing for a development project.
BRIDGE Housing is seeking to develop a 3.6-acre site located at 6501 Golden Gate Drive within the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan area. This proposal is in response to the cityâs Notice of Funding Availability for affordable housing and direction received from the city council after reviewing the initial proposal on Nov. 17, 2020.