How long should an article be? “Parasitic signage.” The floppy disk is, improbably, still in great demand. Graphene-based waxes and polishes for car detailing. A hand-crafted book about embroidery that was itself embroidered. Solving the problem of disposable chopsticks. New sneakers made from carbon emissions. A non-Pantone Color of the Year: Apricot Crush. An alternative to the skyscraper. An extensive online catalog of manhole covers from around the world. The Webb Telescope takes new pictures of Neptune. All that and more in WhatTheyThink’s weekly miscellany.
The Downtown Circle project would see an elevated ring-shaped building around Dubai's Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building, and would hold both residential and commercial spaces.
The circular structure would reside on tall pillars installed around the Burj Khalifa and incorporate both residential and commercial areas. 14.09.2022, Sputnik International
Architecture firm ZNera Space intend the design as an antidote to Dubai s vertiginous skyline, but admit the financing and even the technology to build the structure is not there.
Dubai has no dearth of sky-high buildings. The Emirati city has become a global hub for business, gastronomy and leisure alike. Its unique architecture and eye-catching designs have evolved the city's skyline dramatically in the last decade. .