Sydney Lea has been busy. The prolific writer, peripatetic teacher, influential editor and literacy activist has also long been a hunter, fisherman and ardent conservationist..
The village of Grand Lake Stream, near Princeton, has for a time been ground zero for a local whitetail population, much appreciated by the locals, who enjoy seeing them forage for greenery near town, writes V. Paul Reynolds.
At Woodland Junior-Senior High School, Extended Learning Opportunities (ELO) Coordinator Heidi Hicks is helping students connect with their community and realize their full potential. Through job shadows, volunteer work, and mentorships, Hicks’ students are simultaneously exploring future career paths and giving back to their local communities. One of the primary initiatives of Woodland’s ELO program … Continue reading Woodland ELO Program Gives Back to Community and Prepares Students for Future Careers
A small but growing number of Maine groups have set aside portions of their land and sold credits that require them to lock up a certain amount of carbon in the trees that cover it.