Memorial Day events in southern Minnesota and northern Iowa
Here is a list of events taking place.
Posted: May 28, 2021 7:42 AM
Updated: May 28, 2021 7:43 AM
All events on Monday, May 31 unless otherwise noted.
Mason City – 9:30 am. Elmwood-St. Joseph Cemetery. Activities include Mason City High School Concert band, vocal performance, invocation and benediction, a reading of the Gettysburg Address by the Boy Scouts, a flag salute, the Mayor s proclamation, a reading of General Orders #11, wreath-laying ceremony by several patriotic organizations. Guest speaker Capt. Joan Platz, part of only the second graduating class from the United States Naval Academy that included women.
Clear Lake – 9:30 am assembly at Lake Front. Activities include Clear Lake High School Band, Casting of the Wreath. Clear Lake Cemetery Program. Opening Remarks by Officer of the Day: Steve Merrill, USA (Ret). Placing of roses. Speaker of the Day: Lance Ashland, USAF (Ret). Roll Call of Deceased