On the weekend before the Fourth of July, residents of New Lebanon, N.Y., were cleaning up after a beaver dam broke on Thursday in Pittsfield State Forest, flooding the town.
In the last few weeks, State Representative Kevin Jensen filed a fairly new political action committee called "Keep South Dakota Red," with the mission of "Assist candidates supporting the Republican party platform." That's all well and good, despite the platform being a fluid document that can change at any time. And today their filing was…
Kind of an interesting primary last night. Some people I was cheering for won. Some people didn't. I think the number of people dividing up the vote in some of these races affected things. I think the quality of candidates mattered as much if not more than anything. I don't know that the massive amounts…
Kind of an interesting primary last night. Some people I was cheering for won. Some people didn't. I think the number of people dividing up the vote in some of these races affected things. I think the quality of candidates mattered as much if not more than anything. I don't know that the massive amounts…