consent to an interview, but doug feith is in this film, and he says some very revealing things. the purpose after 9/11 was to shock the sponsors of state terrorism to get them to change their policies. that s his quote in this film. now which isn t what they told the public. it s not what they told the public, and it was not about changing policy as i think your last bite here will show because it s very clear this was never about changing policies. this is what they will want to watch tonight, michael. the documentary which you really were behind includes the talking points from a november 2001 meeting held by secretary of defense donald rumsfeld. on the agenda was, how start? those were the notes. how start? meaning the iraq war. with bullet points that included these potential pretexts. u.s. discovered saddam connection to 9/11 attack or anthrax attacks. dispute over wmd inspections. start now thinking about inspection demands. in other words, start putting together the pre
we were looking for a reason for a war. we didn t have a bona fide threat. at any time they were free to go to the public and say, you know what? this is what doug feith thinks, this is what we think, we re not so sure, but we still think we ought to do something. they never did that. they were looking for a pretext, as you say. they were phonying up the case. in another part of the film, lawrence wilkinson, chief of staff to colin powell, said he and colin powell participated in what he called a hoax. unintentionally, but he called it a hoax. one of the things i could never understand, at the time i didn t either, the hawks in the middle east believe somehow if you could break apart one of the arab front line states were rejectionist, the road through to jerusalem goes through baghdad. if you broke one of them, they
these potential pretexts. u.s. discovered saddam connection to 9/11 attack or anthrax attacks. dispute over wmd inspections. start now thinking about inspection demands. in other words, start putting together the pretext. we didn t have a war. we didn t have a reason for a war. we were looking for a reason for a war. we didn t have a bona fide threat. at any time they were free to go to the public and say, you know what? this is what doug feith thinks, this is what we think, we re not so sure, but we still think we ought to do something. they never did that. they were looking for a pretext, as you say. they were phonying up the case. in another part of the film, lawrence wilkinson, chief of staff to colin powell, said he and colin powell participated in what he called a hoax. unintentionally, but he called it a hoax. one of the things i could never understand, at the time i didn t either, the hawks in the middle east believe somehow if you could break apart one of the arab front li
popped for him, and he said we have to go out against these guys again and again. he bought the neocon line that saddam hussein did he buy it or were they both i think they were of a similar mindset. cheney doesn t didn t consent to an interview, but doug feith is in this film, and he says some very revealing things. the purpose after 9/11 was to shock the sponsors of state terrorism to get them to change their policies. that s his quote in this film. now which isn t what they told the public. it s not what they told the public, and it was not about changing policy as i think your last bite here will show because it s very clear this was never about changing policies. this is what they will want to watch tonight, michael. the documentary which you really were behind includes the talking points from a november 2001 meeting held by secretary of defense donald rumsfeld. on the agenda was, how start? those were the notes. how start? meaning the iraq war. with bullet poi
0 defeat the president. i disagreed with nearly everything the bush a administration did. i questioned the reasons we went to war, i criticized his tax cuts for the rich. i everybody led marches against his administration. but i meant with president bush. i always had respect for the presidency. when we met, it was always mr. president. he was not my choisz and he was certainly not one i supported. but you can t disrespect the office holder and then hope to get your person, the one you believe in, in the office. we must look up to the office and, in order to do that, we must respect the office holder. thanks for watching. i m al sharpton. happy president s day. hardball starts right now. it s president s day. going to the mattress, let s play hardball. good evening, let me start tonight with this big one. is barack obama going for it? is he becoming one of the great president presidents in history? i m talking to use his word, transformational. and is he using the country s h