Has been confirmed to the Supreme Court. And ive thrown and cracked 24 cell phone screens. Not all of them mine. Hey, babe . Have you seen my phone . But you know what . We have decades to worry about that human chastity belt. Right now, i want to talk about rbg. Ruth Bader Ginsburgs death has hit a lot of people hard, especially women. [bleep] and i think its because mommy . I think its because mommy . Buddy, can mommy please just have two minutes to cry in a closet . Again . I think its because, as american women, ruth is a big reason why weve made it this far. Long before she got to spend 27 years in the middle of this combover sandwich, rbg was already changing the world for women. In 1972, she cofounded the aclus womens rights project. There, alongside pioneers like Dorothy Kenyon and pauli murray, she spent years carefully laying the groundwork to force u. S. Law to acknowledge something radical. Women are, like, fullon people. Nobody in our country did more for the advancement o
No wait. [dramatic music] maybe it was a mistake. Cnn just posted it by accident. Everythings fine, it was chris cuomo and his fat fingers, thats all. Everythings good. Everythings fine. Were good everythings good [breathing loudly] wait. Maybe this is a dream and im still naked. Oh, god roe v. Wade ugh. Everythings fine, everythings good. Gotta stay hydrated when everythings normal. [phone notifications dinging] [whimpers] [breathing loudly] [bleep] [bleep] [rock music] sorry, miss brittany. Rbg. [phone notification dings] [bleep] [applause] have you thought, how many women is enough . Nine. Oh. [laughter and applause] oh. [cheers and applause] were not there yet. [laughs] well, there have been nine men there for a long, long time, right . So why not nine women . Woo yeah. [sighs] its been 41 days since Justice Ginsburg died. And in that time, Amy Coney Barrett has been confirmed to the Supreme Court. And ive thrown and cracked 24 cell phone screens. Not all of them mine. Hey, babe .
Her books include lewis and its brandeis, published in 1984, nominated a Pulitzer Prize when the nazis came to skokie in 1999. And women in the barracks, published in 2002, about Bader Ginsburgs most Important Supreme Court gender equality opinion, a frequent lecture at home and abroad. She is also the recipient of a prize for scholarly writing about the supreme presented by then chief william rehnquist. And i had the pleasure of cochairing washington history seminar a number of years ago when she stepped in to replace christian when he was on sabbatical from the Wilson Center. Today, philip will be talking about her just published book on account of sex Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the making gender equality law. Philip, welcome back. I should say to the washington history. Great to have you here. The screen all yours. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you to even though youre not here today, christian and let me echo the to pete and rachel who really make this whole thing work. And also
Her books include lewis and its brandeis, published in 1984, nominated a Pulitzer Prize when the nazis came to skokie in 1999. And women in the barracks, published in 2002, about Bader Ginsburgs most Important Supreme Court gender equality opinion, a frequent lecture at home and abroad. She is also the recipient of a prize for scholarly writing about the supreme presented by then chief william rehnquist. And i had the pleasure of cochairing washington history seminar a number of years ago when she stepped in to replace christian when he was on sabbatical from the Wilson Center. Today, philip will be talking about her just published book on account of sex Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the making gender equality law. Philip, welcome back. I should say to the washington history. Great to have you here. The screen all yours. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you to even though youre not here today, christian and let me echo the to pete and rachel who really make this whole thing work. And also
This is about one hour, 10 minutes. [applause] Justice Ginsburg, members of our faculty, our class, it is a privilege to welcome you here today. A few years ago, we began inviting people to offer reflections to our entering class. This has been an extraordinary opportunity for our students, as you embark on your legal education, to listen to and learn from someone whose career has shaped the law. And by attending georgetown law, you have chosen to learn the law you have chosen to learn the law in a place where laws are made. And this is evident in the speakers who have welcomed our first year students. People have heard from Justice Sotomayor, justice stevens, and the late justice scalia. And we have been so fortunate the last two years, this is the second year in a row, to be joined by the legendary Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg. [applause] i know a long introduction of Justice Ginsburg is not necessary for georgetown students. You know about her decisions and her pointed and influentia