what we know over 60% of the americans don t want social security, they still want medicare. gregg: we are not taking away medicare and social security. marjorie we re sustaining them for future generations because they re on a path of unsustainability. you know what i m going to do? get my little elf on the shelf and put them in the halls of congress and report back to santa all the bad behavior going on. we need compromise, no question. the grinch is in hawaii. gregg: if we could put you two together in a room i know we could get a compromise. i know we could. gregg: tony, i could easily cut 4 trillion. give me an hour. tony, marjorie, good to see you both. heather: in an hour? gregg: in two hours i could do it. heather: i believe you. new fallout after egypt s election as a hard-line islamic party takes one step closer to controlling just about all of egypt s major power centers. we ll talk with general jack keane next whether this is
risk we have seen democrats do this back in 1982, privatizing social security, cutting social security, that sort of thing. this is not a hard one to either attack/demagogue, depending on your perspective. i think it was probably a bad time for him to do it. reading from one of recur recent columns since this was first proposed, you wrote most voters want to see the federal budget balanced and spending cuts. sure, apple pie and all that. but they don t want social security, medicare or medicaid touched. and, oh, yes, they don t want taxes increased. house republicans are not just pushing the envelope, they re soaking it with lighter fluid and waving a match at it. you think that the bottom line politically for all of the praise for paul ryan, for coming out and at least tackling stuff that nobody else wanted to deal with is there is going to be a conflagration politically from it? i think there is a huge learning curve here for the american people. a lot of people seem to think
down. and proposed a budget so far to the right, it makes the contract with america look like the new deal. it is a trojan horse disguised as deficit reduction plans. it s an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country. it is thinly vailed social darwinism. but romney channelled paul ryan. i will gradually raise the age for social security,ly cut tax rates for individuals and corporations. i will repeal burdensome regulations. attacking social security, lowers taxes for the rich, lowers taxes for corporations. that s deeply unpopular. 76% don t want social security cut.