kids on the beach, the pool. food, drinks, knock. the sun. just totally shut it down. maybe read a book. greg: don t go that far. pete: read a few pages. kimberly: boys love to play football and they are quite good. i love being on the water. took my boat up the hudson river and erie canal to cleveland. i love being on the boat. kimberly: favorite past time i love to read. that s for sure. also i love to go to the park. that s very fun. greg: what park and what time? [laughter] kimberly: the park in brooklyn. [laughter] kimberly: we are going to end it right there. we are going to have more of your fantastic questions. that s next. find the remote yet? nah. honey look, your old portable cd player.
interpret it differently. greg: confirmation bias. jesse: when we talk about the trump tower meeting. it s a nothing burger and uc collusion. jedediah: you see a big mac. greg: scott adams. it s the movies. you show them one truth but they see two different movies. juan: that is the team sports you talk about. this is actual perspective. jesse: people here db differently. jedediah: sometimes older people are less sensitive to high-frequency and certain letters have a certain frequency. it depends on how jesse: so the younger people at the table here yanny. jedediah: i think you would hear something complete different. greg: i heard collusion. that s all i kept hearing. collusion. juan: my wife says to me
chicken. by wednesday you re desperately trying to pick at the insides of the chicken because you are running out of meat. right now they are on wednesday of sundays rotisserie chicken. i was watching cnn. the typical panel about this and they were all gnawing on the bones of a carcass. dana: they are going to have to make a soup. greg: it is only bones now. juan: we have to make a lot of soup around here. what do you make of the fact that don jr. said i made this call to this phone number. i don t remember speaking to my dad about anything and i don t know who s phone this was. greg: i have a blocked phone number. he might ve been calling me. jedediah: sounds great. jesse: she didn t destroy her phone juan: here we go. obama or clinton. jesse: i remind you every week. dana: something that is not don jr. related. in the senate judiciary
juan: here is wishing you all the best, charles. i know you watch. greg: does he watch the five ? juan: he watches the five the five. dana: i hope we don t embarrass ourselves. greg: it is a little late for that. i am holding a bear with a human face. juan: do you get aggravated? bret: no, i think it s good. i always hear you laughing. juan: i feel for you, man. i think you re trying to do a serious show. thanks, bret. ethan hawke pointing out hollywood s hypocrisy on guns and movies. that s next on the five . i m ryan and i quit smoking with chantix. i would doubt myself that i could actually quit. that i could climb that hill and get over it. i really honestly don t believe i could have done it without chantix. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to
good choice babe. oh, wait, hold on. earn 3% cash back on dining, 2% on groceries, and 1% on all other purchases. what s in your wallet? juan: president trump facing big foreign policy challenges including north korea, russia, the middle east. just in time for these development, our friend, anchor of special report, bret baier, has a new book out that parallels today s headlines. it is called three days in moscow: ronald reagan and the fall of the soviet empire. bret, welcome. tell us about the parallels. there is a lot of parallels in the moments, the challenges. very different personalities. reagan used a lot of bold language that washington foreign policy establishment kind of had a problem within the day. thought it was too aggressive.