kids on the beach, the pool. food, drinks, knock. the sun. just totally shut it down. maybe read a book. >> greg: don't go that far. >> pete: read a few pages. >> kimberly: boys love to play football and they are quite good. >> i love being on the water. took my boat up the hudson river and erie canal to cleveland. i love being on the boat. >> kimberly: favorite past time i love to read. that's for sure. also i love to go to the park. that's very fun. >> greg: what park and what time? [laughter] >> kimberly: the park in brooklyn. [laughter] >> kimberly: we are going to end it right there. we are going to have more of your fantastic questions. that's next. ♪ ♪ find the remote yet? nah. honey look, your old portable cd player.