of the full board of supervisors. can you please call the roll? [roll call] mr. president, there is a quorum. president chiu: can you join me in the pledge of allegiance? [pledge of allegiance] colleagues, we are at the agenda changes section. i would like to formally welcome mayor ed lee. the mayor is here to discuss item 26, the item discussion around pension reform for a closed session. can we move to item 26? i would like to do that. can you call that item? the motion for the board of supervisors to convene in closed session to consult with the labor relations negotiators for the purpose of reviewing the position and instruction to the negotiators. president chiu: is there a motion to go into closed session? is there any public comment on whether we should go in the closed session to discuss the pension situation? public comment is closed. ladies and gentlemen, if i could ask all of the members of the public except for the members of the board and city staff that wil
of the full board of supervisors. can you please call the roll? [roll call] mr. president, there is a quorum. president chiu: can you join me in the pledge of allegiance? [pledge of allegiance] colleagues, we are at the agenda changes section. i would like to formally welcome mayor ed lee. the mayor is here to discuss item 26, the item discussion around pension reform for a closed session. can we move to item 26? i would like to do that. can you call that item? the motion for the board of supervisors to convene in closed session to consult with the labor relations negotiators for the purpose of reviewing the position and instruction to the negotiators. president chiu: is there a motion to go into closed session? is there any public comment on whether we should go in the closed session to discuss the pension situation? public comment is closed. ladies and gentlemen, if i could ask all of the members of the public except for the members of the board and city staff that will
meeting of the full board of supervisors. can you please call the roll? [roll call] mr. president, there is a quorum. president chiu: can you join me in the pledge of allegiance? [pledge of allegiance] colleagues, we are at the agenda changes section. i would like to formally welcome mayor ed lee. the mayor is here to discuss item 26, the item discussion around pension reform for a closed session. can we move to item 26? i would like to do that. can you call that item? the motion for the board of supervisors to convene in closed session to consult with the labor relations negotiators for the purpose of reviewing the position and instruction to the negotiators. president chiu: is there a motion to go into closed session? is there any public comment on whether we should go in the closed session to discuss the pension situation? public comment is closed. ladies and gentlemen, if i could ask all of the members of the public except for the members of the board and city staff
of the full board of supervisors. can you please call the roll? [roll call] mr. president, there is a quorum. president chiu: can you join me in the pledge of allegiance? [pledge of allegiance] colleagues, we are at the agenda changes section. i would like to formally welcome mayor ed lee. the mayor is here to discuss item 26, the item discussion around pension reform for a closed session. can we move to item 26? i would like to do that. can you call that item? the motion for the board of supervisors to convene in closed session to consult with the labor relations negotiators for the purpose of reviewing the position and instruction to the negotiators. president chiu: is there a motion to go into closed session? is there any public comment on whether we should go in the closed session to discuss the pension situation? public comment is closed. ladies and gentlemen, if i could ask all of the members of the public except for the members of the board and ci
supervisor chiu: welcome back to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting of tuesday, march 8, 2011. colleagues, can i have a motion to not disclose what was discussed in closed session? without objection, the motion passes to not disclose the information discussed in closed session. colleagues, you should have received copies of the meeting minutes of january 25 and february 1. can i have a motion to approve those minutes? without objection, those meeting minutes are approved. madam clerk, are there any communications? i have no communications, mr. president. supervisor chiu: and if we could read our consent agenda. items 1 through 16 comprise the consent agenda. the items are considered routine and will be acted upon by a single roll call vote unless the member of the board request discussion of the matter. it shall be removed and considered as a separate item. supervisor chiu: i understand item two needs to be removed. are there any other items folks would li