Drinking This 3 Times a Week Can Help You Live Longer, Study Finds
By Lauren Gray of Best Life |
Drinking This 3 Times a Week Can Help You Live Longer, Study Finds
If this year has taught us anything, it’s that so many things in life hinge on good health. And while many of the health habits that boost longevity can feel like a chore long workouts and Spartan diets, to name a few other health rituals can be an absolute pleasure. According to a January study published in the
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, one such habit promises a simple way to live a “longer and healthier life: habitually drinking tea. Read on to learn tea s surprising benefits, and for more health tips, find out why Going to Bed Past This Exact Time Is Hurting Your Health.
Participants were classified into two groups: habitual tea drinkers and never, or non-habitual tea drinkers.
To be put into the habitual tea drinker group, people need to have a cup of tea three or more times in a week.
The participants health were followed, on average, for around seven years from the beginning of the study.
Data revealed that habitual tea drinkers had a 20 percent lower risk of incident heart disease and stroke .
In addition, habitual tea drinkers had a 15 percent decreased risk of all-cause dearth .
How to live longer: Drinking tea could help (Image: Getty)
Dr Dongfeng Gu, the senior author of the study, said: The protective effects of tea were most pronounced among the consistent habitual tea drinking group.